Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

It's the day before 2009.
2008 just zipped by. There were so many things to be thankful for:
My family: I'm so blessed to have hubby and two amazing girls.
My parents: they have been absolutely supportive, offering their help at the drop of a hat when work or other commitments call.
Our new home: it's amazing how God has provided for us.
Opportunities: to stretch and explore my ability and talent, to travel, to give my best, to unwind and rest.

While mulling over the direction for 2009, I found a list of 20 resolutions by Sinclair Ferguson taken from the book of James. I'm not sure I can keep 20 resolutions, but here they are:

1:5 To ask God for wisdom to speak and with a single mind

1:9-10 To boast only in exaltation in Christ, & humiliation in world

1:13 To set a watch over my mouth

1:19 To be constantly quick to hear, slow to speak

2:1-4 To learn the gospel way of speaking to poor and the rich

2:12 To speak always in the consciousness of the final judgment

2:16 To never stand on anyone’s face with my words

3:14 To never claim as reality something I do not experience

4:1 To resist quarrelsome words in order to mortify a quarrelsome heart

4:11 To never speak evil of another

4:13 To never boast in what I will accomplish

4:15 To always speak as one subject to the providences of God

5:9 To never grumble, knowing that the Judge is at the door

5:12 To never allow anything but total integrity in my speech

5:13 To speak to God in prayer whenever I suffer

5:14 To sing praises to God whenever I am cheerful

5:14 To ask for the prayers of others when I am sick

5:15 To confess it freely whenever I have failed

5:15 To pray with and for one another when I am together with others

5:19 To speak words of restoration when I see another wander

Do you make New Year's resolution? What is your resolution for 2009?

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